
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 4 and 5...about 10 days late!

Hello all!  I know I am very behind.  But here it is days 4 and 5 of the blog challenge.
Day 4- Your Parents

I am from Redding, CA and that is where my parents currently live.  My mom Suzie is a pharmacy tech and my dad Larry is a plumbing contractor.  I miss them a lot and wished that they lived closer to me!
Both pictures are kinda old and I realized that I don't have many pictures of my parents because they are usually the ones taking the pictures!  Anywho, I LOVE them and miss them very much!

Day 5- My Siblings
Easy one- I have none!

Tomorrow I will post Monday Must-Haves and coming soon is a giveaway on my cousins blog The Electric Twist.  Details coming soon!  Happy Sunday everyone!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday Must- Haves...and I am WAY behind on the blog challenge!

Hello Everyone!  Happy Monday!  Obviously I am way behind on the 30-day blog challenge and will be picking that back up tomorrow.  I had a great weekend!  Friday was my 25th birthday and my parents and grandparents came down from Redding to celebrate with me.  Saturday my aunt, uncle, and cousin came up and we went to an AMAZING sushi dinner at Hana Restaurant in Rohnert Park, CA.  Best sushi I have ever had!!  It was a great birthday and I got some awesome loot from my wonderful family!  My grandparents got me a sewing machine!  I got all the accessories for sewing, clothes, and books from my parents and my aunt and uncle got me a KitchenAid mixer (a present for Nick too!).  I will post pictures soon!!  So here are today's Monday Must Haves!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Blog Challenge: Day 2 & 3

Day 2: Meaning behind your blog name

Well...simply put it is the name of my jewelry shop on Etsy.  But it was not all that easy to come up with.  My original name for my little shop was C3Jewelry.  My initials are all C's so it was a fitting name.  When I came up with C3Jewelry I did research to make sure that I wasn't stepping on toes and copying someones name.  Nothing came up.  Then one day in September (7 months after I opened my shop) I got an idea to Google my shop name again.  Boy was I surprised!  First thing that came up was a lawsuit against a company called C3Jewelry, Inc.  Turns out there was a jewelry company selling synthetic diamonds that apparently, were not the best people to do business with.  I decided I needed to change my name in order not to be associated with this company.  I love owls and I knew that I wanted that in my name somehow.  I was also toying around with the word acorn.  My boyfriend says "Call it The Acorn Owl."  And the new shop was born : )

Day 3: A Picture of Something that Makes You Happy
My little monkey!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Blog Challenge Day 1

So, I started my blog a while ago but haven't been doing it that much.  Busy doing other things I guess, haha.  My cousin Sarah has a very cute blog, The Electric Twist, and a while back she started doing a 30 day blog challenge.  I though it was a pretty cool idea, so I am starting my 30 days today! : )  Here it goes...

Day 1: Introduce yourself, post a recent picture, and post 15 interesting facts about yourself.

Well... My name is Cara.  I am currently 24 but in 12 days I will be turning a quarter of a century (I have to admit it's a little weird, never did I think I would be 25!)  I have a wonderful three year old daughter, Sophia, whom I could squeeze all day long!!  I live with my chef boyfriend Nick, who spoils me with yummy food!  I love to craft (I am often called the crazy craft lady by a certain someone, lol).  I knit, make jewelry, do glitter crafts, and everything in between.  My current want is a sewing machine so I can make my little peanut cute clothes!
Me at the beach with the fam.

15 Random Facts About Me!

1. I LOVE the color orange!
2. I love the smell of coconut.
3. Owls are a current obsession of mine right now!
4. I have never broken a bone.
5. I have scoliosis.
6. I love craft stores and I could spend hours (and hundreds) in them.
7. Mashed potatoes are pretty much my favorite food.
8.  I love tea so much, I think I might be English!
9. I love sushi.
10. I love to color with my daughter in coloring books.
11.  I am a little obsessed with Christmas ( I love it!)
12. I want to live in another country for a while.
13.  I want to travel with Nick to Hawaii, Europe, New York, and everywhere in between.
14. I want to learn to sew my own clothes (except jeans, that looks HARD!)
15. I want a beehive really BAD, I am hoping for my birthday!!